Thursday 10 July 2014

Svelte Chicken Lives.... for consolidated debt....


I imagine that it’s every girls dream to be swept off their feet when they receive that special proposal.

There are a number of differences between girls and boys, apart from the obvious of course. I mentioned in my first post that my sweetheart remembers a lot of detail. Me not so much. Before we became engaged we were going out for 8 years or so (my Darling can correct this later if she wishes).

My Darling was happy, but was also secretly patiently looking for a commitment. I was happy, and thought I had made a commitment….. Anyway, there we were, both happy but my Darling wanting more. Me I suppose I was conveniently lazy, why get married, what would that prove?
Paula was more independent, she went flatting at a reasonably early age, me not so much in a rush, my Mum makes a lovely bacon and eggs breakfast…..

So there I was, lovely family home (board a bit steep though Grandma (not..)), lovely family, beautiful girlfriend, serious relationship, a flat with a comfortable couch (Grandma’s benefit), what a wonderful life. Is that the best of both worlds? Could be a boy perspective? Girls perspective perhaps grow up and move out?

Anyway, eventually (about a year before we were married? ) we bought a house together and moved the comfortable couch to that (Grandma’s benefit).Fabulous.

If only I had thought about taking notes earlier in life, all of the details would be more accurate (albeit still not as accurate as my Darling) and the sequence of events would be more precise. Think of my ramblings of more of a big picture concept, rather than a precise detailed recount that would stand up in a court of law…

I could see it in the light of my life’s eyes that I was beginning to push my luck a bit far. Could it be if we didn’t move to the next level she would trade me in on someone that would? I then began to look at things through her eyes and began to realise that perhaps I am a bit of an idiot, marriage and one day children is actually what I would like as well. I can’t be beginning to grow up can I?, I still want bacon and eggs, throwing stars and a ninja costume, or do I? (actually, a ninja costume would be pretty cool…)

Now another difference, I would be happy if we received a certificate in the mail, without any ceremony or fuss and then we were married. To prove my point, when I received my degree (correspondence) I had the option of getting dressed up in a silly cloak and cap and sitting through a ceremony, or to my pleasure I saw a tick box that meant it would be posted to me, I did that….. (I later did enjoy the wedding day, so I was wrong again). There of course had to be a ceremony etc. The love of my life would want it, our families would want it, I know I would enjoy it when I got there (as my Darling is always reminding me).

Next I discovered to my initial horror I had to go to “how to be married classes” (groan) before we could be married. (Now that really isn’t me). As far as marriage goes, I didn’t think I needed classes (in my opinion I was correct by the way) or to act any differently really, and, Grandma told me at the appropriate age about the birds and the bees, I screwed my face up and said “well I won’t be doing that then”…. How do I know this? Grandma is a girl and she can remember the detail and she told me, me, I remember the bacon and eggs…

I had the same sort of feeling when Paula was pregnant with David (Ok, so perhaps I shouldn’t have screwed my face up…), we have to go to antenatal classes, I am a bloke, I don’t read instructions…..
Also, re the antenatal thing when our second child Samantha came along, I was so relieved to hear that we didn’t need to go back to the classes again…

So there we were, one evening on the back door step at Grandma’s the perfect proposal. Looking up into the love of my lifes eyes, on one knee (let’s face it, she was on the top step and I was on the bottom one, she looked quite tall, there was no way I could sweep her off her feet from this position) I could see her face, she knew the time she had waited (say we were going out for 8 years exactly) 7 years 11 months, 30 days, 4 hours and 53 seconds to hear…..

“My love, you mean the world to me, I have loved you since the moment we first met. I am unable to fathom a life going forward without you and wish with all my heart that you will marry me and share that life with me. Will you marry me?” Ok that’s the girl version I said something along the lines of “Paula, would you like to officially combine our finances and get married?”Ahh, consolidated debt, how romantic. Paula may have heard something similar to the first statement, said “yes” and the rest is history. By the way, when we first met we did not like each other, but that’s another story….

I’m married, and I have since discovered that the bed is a lot more comfortable than the couch (Grandma’s benefit) and it still continues to be a wonderful life. I think my Darling was right after all, it did take me quite a while to get there, however, I do believe I was worth the wait….

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