Wednesday 9 July 2014

Svelte Chicken Lives.... for his wonderful children

The first, a wee angel named David (17/06/97) was with us for only 2 days, extremely painful, a huge hole in our hearts, enough said.

The second a beautiful girl named Samantha: 12/10/98

Samantha arrived just in time to help fill some of the hole left by David. Samantha was and still is an absolute joy. She was such a good child, eating her food sitting down where she was asked., such lovely manners, so well behaved. Aren’t we natural parents we thought,  yeah right…..  Daniel, will you please sit down while your eating…..

The third a boy named Daniel: 6/12/2001
Once again we were over the moon (Daniel you’re a star….). My Mum and Dad were once again keen to know if we were having a girl or boy. I put blue socks in my jacket pocket, went around to see them and after stringing them along for a while that I was not going to tell them, asked Grandma to pull some socks out of my jacket………..

The hole was getting smaller

The fourth a girl named Emily: 14/8/2003
My wee darling, she was such a lovely surprise….  We had just put an extension on our house in effect freeing up a spare room. I was standing in the middle of a river fishing with granddad when I got a phone call, the love of my life informed me that we no longer had a spare room…..

The hole is probably now as small as it is going to get, that + time passed helps, but you never forget what happened or how you felt at the time.

I love my children

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