Wednesday 9 July 2014

Svelte Chicken Lives.... for holding hands with the light of his life

In our lounge we have one of those lounge suites that go around a corner with 6 seats in it. It has recliners in each end (fancy).

I have my own recliner that is about half an arms distance away from the main couch, just perfect for a spot of hand holding with that someone special…..

My darling likes to sit at the end of the couch closest to my chair. I have a separate chair because I don’t like any one leaning up me (or should I say as frequently as if you are on the couch and one of the kids is there, they are like little balls of lint, they stick to you).

You know, you are minding your own business and all of a sudden you notice you have a little ball of lint in your belly button (by the way, where on earth does all the lint come from? I mean I don’t own that many pairs of trousers/jumpers or whatever causes it, and could have filled a few duvet covers by now) anyway before you know it, wham there is a little ball of lint lying on you.  My darling likes it (most of the time) I find it hot and uncomfortable. This is why I have my own seat…

At the end of the day I like nothing better than watching TV/ a film with the love of my life, we are both sitting there with our feet up, holding hands. the shape and position of the couch/ seat means that there is no effort or strain, it’s an ergonomic design optimised for hand holding.

I live for watching movies while holding my darlings hand.

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